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Don’t Get BURNED! CBD + Sunburns!

Jun 9, 2022 | Hemp + Heart Journal

Can CBD Positively Impact A Sunburn?

Summer is here… Are you ready for the hottest time of year? While this may be your favorite season to chill poolside, it’s important that you take precautionary measures when it comes to prolonged hours under the sun. Did you know that having 5 or more sunburns in your life doubles your risk for melanoma?

If you’ve experienced a painful sunburn, you probably know the desperation to find a remedy for relief. Sometimes there is not enough aloe vera in the world to bring you comfort… But, have you ever considered CBD? Cannabidiol is well-recognized for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help remedy a variety of skin conditions. Continue reading to learn more about CBD and sunburns.

“After an afternoon of paddle boarding with my sons I came home with a horrible sunburn across my chest. I found amazing relief using your Restore Body Oil, it not only reduced the inflammation of my burn, but took away the pain!”
—Melissa J, CA


How CBD Affects Sunburns

CBD has gained attention worldwide for its potential to alleviate aches and pains, reduce anxiety, and prevent sleeping troubles. When you opt for full-spectrum CBD over isolate and broad spectrum, you reap the benefits of the whole plant. This CBD extract contains all of the naturally occurring cannabinoids within the cannabis plant, which work together to produce a better effect than when taken alone (also known as the entourage effect).

For those who love to hike, swim, and tan over summer — research shows that CBD’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can help alleviate sunburn symptoms, such as reducing itchiness, burning, and discoloration. CBD is reported to also help with skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Because of its soothing properties, CBD can be a good candidate for the aftercare of sun damage.

You can also consider adding full-spectrum CBD oil to your existing skincare products, such as sunscreen. Since CBD provides beneficial effects when applied directly to the skin, adding it to your sunscreen just maximizes your protection. The compounds within CBD can help moderate the skin’s response to sun damage and regulate the renewal of skin cells.

CBD From FoCo Organics is “Cream of the Crop,” says Danielle from New York.

Now that you know about CBD + sunburns try our amazing and restorative topical: Restore Body Oil

Restore is formulated with 750mg of our full spectrum and USDA organic farm grown CBD paired with nature’s favorite essential oils; lavender, bergamot, frankincense, copaiba & restorative mineral, magnesium.

A literal 4oz D R E A M in a bottle?

We absolutely think so.

Have fun in the Sun and don’t get Burned!

Related Topic Products:
Topicals: Relief Body Stick | Restore Body Oil
Tinctures (Drops): 1200mg Natural | 1200mg Wild Orange | 2500mg Mint

Shop FoCo Organics CBD Products now & Align with Us and get up to 40% off every order!

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