Does CBD Effect Men & Women Differently?

Many factors determine CBD’s effects in humans, including body weight, tolerance, the intake method, and the desired result. However, CBD works the same way in all humans, whether male or female, but the effects may be different. There are distinct differences that distinguish the two human sexes, such as shape and body size. However, fundamental differences exist at hormonal and genetic levels.
How CBD Affects Women
Research suggests that hormones important for sexual and reproductive development, mainly in women, can influence how the body absorbs cannabinoids. So when estrogen levels are peaking, such as a few days before ovulation, a woman’s body is more sensitive to CBD. This is because estrogen helps break down cannabinoids and therefore increases the rate of absorption of CBD in the body. So as the hormone levels fluctuate in a woman’s body, so can the effects of CBD. The link between cannabinoids and hormones goes further than that, affecting insulin, cortisol, and melatonin hormones.
1. Does CBD increase estrogen?
It can help! When a woman reaches menopause later in life, estrogen production slows down.
This causes significant changes in a woman’s body, and sometimes, they are prescribed hormone replacement therapy to help them get through menopause.
2. Does CBD oil help balance hormones?
Research indicates that CBD may be used to treat a hormonal imbalance. Although it doesn’t stabilize estrogen levels in a woman’s body on its own, CBD can supplement the endocannabinoids responsible for homeostasis. In doing so, the endocannabinoid system will stimulate the ovaries to produce more estrogen, which will help alleviate most menopause symptoms.
3. CBD for Menstruation
CBD oil can be used for different purposes, in this case, as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The body releases pro-inflammatory compounds in the pelvic region during your period, making the period symptoms more disruptive, and CBD has been proven to be a potent anti-inflammatory. Women may experience pressure, pain, and discomfort during periods as the hormone change triggers contractions in the uterus muscle tissue, and this causes menstrual cramps making the pain worse. CBD is widely recognized as a muscle relaxer, and it targets different receptors to help ease contractions. Cannabidiol has also been shown to boost serotonin levels and act as an antidepressant. It can, therefore, be used as a mood lifter for women during their periods.
How Does CBD Affect Men?
Men are less sensitive to CBD than women, probably due to their constant levels of hormones, but this does not mean that they can’t enjoy its other benefits. Given the exact dosage of CBD, it has been documented that men do not get the same amount of relief as women do, which means they may have to increase the dosage to get more relief.
1. Cannabinoids and Testosterone
The two most known cannabinoids, THC and CBD, have different effects when it comes to the production of testosterone. Research shows that THC, the primary psychoactive cannabinoid, blocks the release of the GnRH hormone (gonadotropin-releasing hormone). This, in turn, leads to lower luteinizing hormone causing the cells to produce less testosterone. Studies have also shown that it disrupts spermatogenesis. One study found that a third of male chronic cannabis users tested had oligospermia or low sperm count. That sounds terrible, right? Well, yes, but you have to remember that CBD does not bind directly to the CB receptors. Therefore, its effects are more favorable to the male reproductive system than THC.
2. Does CBD Lower Testosterone?
Research on CBD oil and testosterone levels suggests that it plays a role in balancing the hormone. While it appears to slow down the testosterone production in the Leydig cells, it does not lower the serum testosterone levels in the blood. The production levels return to normal when CBD is gone. CBD also reduces the breakdown of testosterone in the liver. CBD can also help stimulate the production of testosterone. The cannabinoid lowers the prolactin and cortisol hormones in the body. Both hormones are produced in reaction to stress. Men want lower prolactin and cortisol levels as both to inhibit testosterone production.
3. Should You Use CBD Oil to Improve Your Testosterone Levels?
While research in this field is still ongoing, studies suggest that testosterone levels may rise upon initial and short-term use of CBD, but prolonged use may result in reduced levels. This indicates that small doses can help increase libido. CBD can, however, help improve other factors that contribute to the production of testosterone, including enough sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and aiding in weight loss. Couple this with a healthy and balanced diet, and CBD oil will indirectly help increase your testosterone levels.
In Conclusion
CBD can be used for many ailments and reasons, both for men and women. You can use it for balancing hormones, relieving pain, reducing stress and anxiety, and more. However, not all CBD oils are made equal, and you should be careful about how you choose what to use. Luckily, at FoCo Organics, we always have your back when it comes to high-quality, clean and transparent CBD products!
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