Hemp + Heart Journal Drop—New Year & New You!

4 Tips to Embrace the New Year & New You
With the start of 2022 right around the corner, now is the perfect time to make some New Year’s resolutions. You may want to prioritize exercising on a regular basis, making more time for self-care, or eating healthier to improve health and wellness.
No matter what your personal goals are, it’s important to make attainable and realistic plans to get the job done. Continue reading to learn more about 4 tips to embrace the New Year and the New You with ease!
Practice Introspection
Setting aside time for introspection is often overlooked, but absolutely necessary to be more in tune with your emotions and thoughts. Looking inward can help you better understand why you operate the way you do, and help you make positive improvements when it comes to your relationships with others.
If you’re unsure how to be introspective, you can ask yourself some deep questions to get down to the source of things. You can write in a journal, talk to yourself out loud, or spend some time in nature. This will help you discover fears and how to overcome them, as well as think rationally about situations before jumping to conclusions. Starting the new year off with a fresh and rejuvenated mind can make all the difference.
Spend More Time Outdoors
Tons of people work day jobs that tie them down to a desk for prolonged periods of time. If you don’t get to spend enough time outdoors, it can negatively impact your mental and physical health. While it may seem like an impossible feat to immerse yourself in nature, it is absolutely essential to your wellbeing. Consider taking a morning stroll before heading out for the day, or relax outside while reading a book.
According to research, exposing yourself to forest-like landscapes, trees, and other greenery can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, improve mood, increase ability to focus, accelerate recovery from surgery or illness, increase energy levels, and improve sleep. Seriously, who doesn’t need a little help in those areas? Talk about an essential New Year’s resolution…
Separate Work and Home Life
With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos that unravels both at work and at home. If you have a career that blends your personal and professional life, you may notice that you are more stressed, agitated, and overwhelmed. This is because there is no time to decompress or ‘turn off’ work mode; Especially when the ongoing pandemic has many of us still working from the comfort of home rather than an office.
If you want to break the endless cycle of stress, consider making it your New Year’s resolution. One idea is to turn off the notifications for your work email and phone once you walk through the door. This will prevent you from being sucked back into the business world when you should be making time for self-care acts like making dinner, taking a bath, or performing your skincare routine. When you are able to set clear boundaries for yourself, you will notice how much other areas of your life improve.
Turn to CBD for Relief As Needed
Sometimes all you need is a little TLC to embrace the new year and the new you. Here at FoCo Organics, we know what it’s like to endure discomfort, pain, anxiety, and depression. That’s why we want to share with you the wonderful benefits of organic CBD.
We cultivate our land and grow our very own lovingly certified organic hemp in Fort Collins, Colorado. From seeds to buds, we carry full autonomy over each plant, in doing so, we ensure our end products are rich in full spectrum phytocannabinoids. Our farming practices are sustainable to help balance and support the give and take between earth, and us.
You can take initiative to improve your overall health and wellness by adding a CBD tincture or CBD relief body stick to your daily regimen. If you want to lift your mood, reduce inflammation and discomfort, and so much more, check out our CBD products now at https://hempandheartjournal.com/foco-organics/. It’s time to start doing things for yourself. Stick to your New Year’s resolutions, and be proud of the new and improved you!
Related Products : Try our Tinctures (Drops) Natural , Wild Orange or Relief Stick!
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