Top 4 GREEN QUEENS in History!

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than learn about some of history’s leading Green Queens! Yes, there is an abundance of history when it comes to women and weed, but we decided to focus on these 4 forward thinking, brilliantly minded, trailblazing women, and we thank them for lighting the spark, and leading the way that has led us to where we are today.
The Top 4 Green Queens in History
When you think about the cannabis industry and how far it has come in the last century, you may wonder who had a prominent role in its original development. For some, using THC or CBD can be a taboo thing. But, the more that leaders shine light on its wonderful benefits, the more normalized and accepted it becomes. In honor of International Women’s Day and Women History Month, here are the top 4 Green Queens who influenced the use of cannabis:
Queen Victoria
The 19th century was known as one of the most conservative, socially-restricted eras in the history of England. One of history’s most iconic monarchs, Queen Victoria ruled for more than 60 years from 1819 to 1901. She was only 18 when she took charge. Aside from her notable position in her country, Queen Victoria was an active user of cannabis. Back in that day, cannabis was studied and recommended by physicians for its ability to remedy period pain, stomach ailments, migraine, depression, and more. Her doctor Sir John Russell Reynolds is said to have prescribed her liquid cannabis to ease her symptoms.
Read more about Queen Victoria in Wikipedia.
Lousia May Alcott
Another woman who influenced the idea of cannabis is Lousia May Alcott. Most popular for her bestselling novel Little Women (1868), American writer Louisa May Alcott also wrote a story called “Perilous Play” that refers to its characters using “hash.” Hash (or hashish) contains a high concentration of cannabinoids. The story references two lovers who get high, get lost in a boat, and end up getting engaged. Alcott described the effect of the hash on the characters saying “A heavenly dreaminess comes over one, in which they move as if on air. Everything is calm and lovely to them: no pain, no care, no fear of anything, and while it lasts one feels like an angel half asleep.”
Read more about Louisa May Alcott in Wikipedia.
Maya Angelou
An icon of the 20th century, civil rights activist, poet, and award-winning author Maya Angelou also advocates for the wonderful benefits of cannabis. When Angelou wasn’t hard at work, she found a way to decompress and enjoy herself. While she was a young waitress at a bar, in 1946, she was introduced to cannabis (referred to as grifa) by two lesbian prostitutes that were regulars at her workplace. Angelou wrote an autobiography “Gather Together in My Name” that describes her connection with cannabis:
“I learned new postures and developed new dreams. From a natural stiffness, I melted into a grinning tolerance. Walking on the streets became high adventure, eating my mother’s huge dinners an opulent entertainment, and playing with my son was side-cracking hilarity. For the first time, life amused me.” — Maya Angelou
Read more about Maya Angelou in Wikipedia.
Margaret Mead
This woman was extremely outspoken and challenged Western social convention in controversial areas. Margaret Mead was an American cultural anthropologist and fought for the legalization of marijuana and the freedom of sexuality. Rather than just mention her use of cannabis and her personal experience with it, Mead gave speeches at the Senate to explain the inconsistencies and unfairness related to cannabis throughout society. She argued that anyone ages 16+ should be permitted to smoke marijuana, and that forbidding marijuana was akin to “a new form of tyranny by the old over the young,” according to a 1969 article published in the archives of the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection.
Mead further explained that marijuana “doesn’t have the toxic effects that cigarettes have,” is not addictive like heroin, and is milder than alcohol. In fact, she even said “the attempt to restrict the use of this youth choice has resulted in graver social consequences than those associated with Prohibition in the 1920s.”
Eventually this led to stricter legal measures against cannabis as President Nixon launched “The War on Drugs” in 1971.
Read more about Margaret Mead in Wikipedia.
These women from all different cultures, areas, and backgrounds have influenced the development and success of the cannabis industry throughout history. They deserve to be recognized for their bravery, honesty, and authenticity during such challenging times. Through activism, leadership, literature, and culture, these 4 green queens are some of the most influential of all time, and have tremendously impacted the use of cannabis to this modern day.
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