What Plants Are Accessible & Usable by the Average Person

“The only difference between a flower & a weed is judgment.” -unknown
Plant medicine is all around us. Those pesky plants that you pull out of your garden every spring can be of service to you if you’re willing to do a little work. Medicinal weeds can be turned into teas, tinctures, creams, poultices and more!
Here are some of my favorite accessible plants that can be used as medicine.
Liver cleansers
Milk thistle: Thistles are the quintessential liver healers. Not only does milk thistle work to detoxify our bodies, but it is even capable of regenerating liver cells. The liver is our largest internal organ and is responsible for > 500 functions, so it’s essential that we take good care of it! Milk thistle root can be roasted and turned into a tea or tincture and taken as a daily therapeutic. Watch your skin glow and your gut perform like a champion when your liver is healthy. Read more here about how to make tinctures.
Dandelion root: We’re all guilty of plucking these weeds out of the yard and tossing them into the trash, but dandelions have amazing healing capacities! Its roots can be roasted and turned into a coffee that is high in gut healing prebiotics. Up level your roasted dandelion root by blending it with cinnamon, chicory, and cocoa for a full-bodied morning beverage. Like thistles, dandelion roots have an affinity for healing the liver. Its leaves make a diuretic tea that supports healthy kidneys, while also providing important electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
Yellow dock: You may not realize it, but you’ve most likely driven past dock on many roadsides; its tall stalks are unmissable. Yellow dock root encourages our gallbladder to flush smoothly. Say goodbye to gallbladder sludge and stones! Dock can be made into a tea or tincture or a yummy, iron-rich syrup.
Wound healers
Yarrow: Yarrow’s beautiful, dainty flowers and leaves are loaded with good medicine. The leaves are a time-tested way to stop bleeding -crush, add a dash of water, and pack the plant material into a wound (superficial only). Watch the bleeding subside! A tincture of yarrow leaves, stems & flowers serves to calm PMS & cycle symptoms and even gut upset.
Shepherds Purse: This herb’s name is owed to its cute seed pods that are heart shaped, resembling pouches that shepherds used in the Middle Ages. Shepherd’s purse is another perfect hemostatic (stops bleeding) that is classically used in women’s menstrual blends to treat menorrhagia. Shepherds purse is prime for picking in early springtime when it’s in bloom.
Vitamin boosters
Raspberry leaf: This plant is so much more than just berries! Don’t miss out on all the vitamins & minerals packed into its leaves. Steeped into a tea, raspberry leaf is an easy winner -gentle & delicious, yet powerful medicine. Also, a great herb to tonify the women’s reproductive system.
Wild spinach: You’ve undoubtedly seen this wild version of salad greens growing in alleys, but don’t fret! Wild spinach is loaded with iron, fiber and vitamin A. Sauté the greens with garlic for a delicious salad.
Wild lettuce: These prickly plants usually keep people at bay, but if you can get your hands on them, they will serve you well. A wild lettuce tincture relaxes frazzled nerves & effectively calms pain without being addictive. Move over opioids! Wild lettuce grows in alleys and street sides; it’s recommended to harvest away from high traffic areas and clean before processing.
Linden: Many Denver residents know these beautiful trees by their fragrant smell in springtime. The flowers and leaflets make a delicious, mood-enhancing tea. Linden has an affinity for the heart and is a great ally for anxiety. Use caution when harvesting from trees that are near high trafficked areas as lindens tend to absorb pollution!
Don’t miss the opportunity to create your very own farm-acy using the medicines growing all around you!
Related Topic Products:
Tinctures (Drops): 1200mg Natural | 1200mg Wild Orange | 2500mg Mint
Topicals: Relief Body Stick | Restore Body Oil
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Written by: Lorissa AgroRay, RN
Lorissa’s journey into the world of the Healing Arts began as a critical care Registered Nurse at a local hospital. While she can appreciate the values of traditional bedside care, she quickly realized that her healing gifts would best be utilized in a more holistic atmosphere. She has since layered her nursing training with Healing Touch, Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism certifications resulting in a unique fusion of healthcare modalities.
Lorissa works as a bridge between medical paradigms which allows her a modern-witchy perspective that unites & heals on so many levels. Her style of patient care centers on the human in front of her, rather than merely diagnoses. She assists individuals on their healing journey by reflecting & activating their own innate healing wisdom. These days you can find Lorissa working as a bilingual urgent care nurse, tending to her blossoming urban garden, and cuddling the most adorable rescued senior chihuahuas.
My mantra: “If you never start, you never get there.”
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