Explore the most recent CBD-inspired blog entries, thoughtfully composed with organic content. Delve into a wide range of budding industry terms, edgy mainstream topics, pets and canna-lifestyle. Discover the answers to all your canna-curious questions.
Benefits of using Topicals + Ingestibles!
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound in the cannabis Sativa plant. When applied topically or consumed through tincture, CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system, which sends signals between your cells to help regulate your movement, mood, homeostasis, and immune system.
Q +A | Holistic Nursing with Lorissa AgroRay RN
We are honored to welcome a vibrant woman who has walked both paths of traditional and holistic healing and who is here to offer us her fresh perspective on a unique fusion of healthcare modalities. Lorissa is one bridging the gap in our local communities between medical paradigms to help guide others on their personal healing journeys.
Using CBD to help manage cannabis withdrawals
Millions of people have experienced an addictive dependence on marijuana, so much so that their daily lives are disrupted with symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, and an out-of-control appetite.
3 Skincare Issues that CBD Can Help
CBD has officially entered the skincare industry, and it is coming in HOT! If you care about your skin health, or just want to find remedies for uncomfortable skin issues — CBD-powered products may be a helpful solution.
CBD & PTSD—What We Know
Experiencing trauma is not rare. About six out of every ten men and five out of every ten women in the US experience at least one traumatic event in their lives.
Copaiba Oil— a renowned Amazonian Oil
Copaiba oil is one of the most renowned Amazonian oils. It is an exceptional member to the resin essential oil family.
Top Reasons to take CBD Everyday!
If you’ve experienced stress, discomfort, or sleep challenges, you’ve no doubt heard about CBD. Over the past few years, CBD has seemingly popped up everywhere — and for good reason!
Don’t Get BURNED! CBD + Sunburns!
Summer is here… Are you ready for the hottest time of year? While this may be your favorite season to chill poolside, it’s important that you take precautionary measures when it comes to prolonged hours under the sun.
How to Naturally Improve Productivity and Energy Levels
Do you feel tired often? Are you relying on coffee or energy drinks to get you through your day? This article is for you!
How to Give Your Pet GRASS PAWS CBD Hemp Oil
Though it has many potential benefits for dogs, giving your dog CBD oil can be confusing at times. How much CBD oil your dog needs depends on your dog’s weight, how many milligrams of CBD is in the CBD product, and why your dog needs CBD in the first place.
CBD For Dogs: 5 Frequently Asked Questions
CBD has become quite popular in treating various health issues in humans. But did you know that it can also provide health-boosting benefits to your dogs–especially those who suffer from chronic illnesses?
CBD and Allergies What You Need To Know
Allergies can significantly affect a person’s quality of life, causing symptoms like sneezing, congestion, rash, and swelling. These symptoms can disrupt your daily life by causing discomfort, sleep loss, and lower productivity. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it’s natural to want to seek relief!
Pet Allergies and How CBD Can Help
CBD oil is a form of oil that has isolated a particular part of the cannabis plant. This plant is home to hundreds of different compounds, and the hemp oil produced from it isolates the compounds that are important for healing.
5 Ways CBD Can Help With Your Pet’s Health
CBD has been a wonderful go to for many families when it comes to helping their pets. Unfortunately in an unregulated industry there is a sea of unreliable CBD that can be confusing for pet owners to sift through.
Cat Anxiety: A Guide to Helping Our Feline Friends
Yes, we do love our sassy felines, and we want to give them the best support and love we can, even help them through anxious times. Knowing when our cats are anxious and being able to identify the symptoms is important to help them rebalance and come back to their true personalities.
Treating Arthritis and Joint Pain with CBD
Arthritis is a well-known condition that can affect individuals of all ages and causes inflammation and joint pain.
5 Plants Related to Cannabis!
Mother Earth proves time and time again how we are all part of a web of life, connected in one way or another. According to ITIS, cannabis is a member of the small Cannabaceae plant family which is a member of the rose order, or Rosales.
Rookie CBD User, start here…
With so much new found knowledge, everyone from Beyonce to your grandmother consuming CBD, and an overwhelming display of CBD products out there where does a rookie CBD user start? RIGHT HERE!
6 Reasons Why You Should Use CBD Every Single Day
If you think you don’t need CBD, remember that prevention is the best treatment! CBD is excellent for the sudden onset of symptoms.
Catnip Oil vs CBD Oil | 3 things you should know
With all the natural remedies on the shelf to help our fabulously feisty felines calm down there is without a doubt you have come across cat-nip oil and CBD oil tucked into the shelves along with the rest.
The Relationship Between CBD & Your Liver
An estimated 30 million Americans have liver disease, and it is the 12th most common cause of death in the US.
Does CBD Effect Men & Women Differently?
CBD works the same way in all humans, whether male or female, but the effects may be different. There are distinct differences that distinguish the two human sexes, such as shape and body size. However, fundamental differences exist at hormonal and genetic levels.
2022 Is All About SELF LOVE + 5 Ways To Love Yourself
We see “self love” routines, feel good buys, at home ritual kits, and wellness coaches preaching about self love everywhere these days but what does self love actually mean?
5 Ways to Love On Your Pet Today!
Sure, we all think of Valentine’s Day and right away our heads begin to fill with images of romantic dinners, heart-shaped chocolate boxes, and a plethora of roses but what about our pets who show us unconditional love 24/7 no matter the weather?
5 Questions To Ask Before Buying CBD
Shopping for CBD can sure feel a bit overwhelming. Especially when you find yourself standing in what feels like a sea of it. But is all CBD created equally? Unfortunately not…
What is CBD? A Primer on What You Need to Know
While it’s just one of the many organic compounds that make up cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD) has undoubtedly become the one that’s the most well-known and most talked about.
How to Naturally Improve Your Productivity & Energy!
Do you feel tired often? Are you relying on coffee or energy drinks to get you through your day? Modern life is really demanding, and many of us have been …
CBD and Menopause: 7 Tips for Managing Symptoms
Most of us don’t start thinking about menopause until it’s just around the corner — leaving us completely unprepared to deal with its bothersome symptoms, especially in the early stages.
Hemp + Heart Journal Drop—New Year & New You!
Setting aside time for introspection is often overlooked, but absolutely necessary to be more in tune with your emotions and thoughts.
Health Benefits of CBD for Women
Herbal therapies are one of the most effective ways to combat health issues. CBD can tackle signs of inflammation and curb exaggerated immune responses. If you’re looking for an herbal supplement suitable for women, CBD is a great choice.